RIP Ma’am

The British and International community of AIPB joins the millions of mourners around the world in paying tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II. For more than seven decades she dedicated her life…

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Café Franglais, Boussac

Café Franglais will resume on Wednesday 7th September 2022 at 18:30 at the Maison des Association, Quartier Pasteur, Boussac  23600 Le Café Franglais reprendra le mercredi 7 septembre 2022 à 18h30 à la Maison des Association, Quartier…

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Café Franglais

Café Franglais will resume on Wednesday 8th September 2021 at 18:30 at the Maison des Association, Quartier Pasteur, Boussac  23600 RULES 1. Based on the provisions of the decree of June 1, 2021…

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Un mois d’amitié

Chers TOUS In February we celebrated romance and love so we thought why not extend the concept to include friends and family, near and far?During this pandemic we can’t embrace, hold hands…

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